Spring & Summer 2010

~ Part 1 ~

Durham, North Carolina
Magee Marsh, Ohio

NOTICE: Photos on this page are fine-tuned for Apple's OS X 10.6 Macbook Pro computers.  Images might appear very slightly bright on Windows machines (despite the equivalent gamma setting), and will likely appear much too bright on earlier Mac OS X machines, due to the issue of gamma correction.  See section 16.2.4 of my free online book for a discussion of gamma factors and how they affect bird photos when viewed on the internet.

Canon EOS 1D Mark III camera (10 megapixels)
Canon 600mm f/4L IS lens + 1.4× teleconverter
Canon 400mm f/4L IS lens + 1.4x teleconverter
Canon Speedlight 580EX II flash + fresnel extender

Click here to view these

photos as a slideshow!


prothonotary warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

tree swallow

prothonotary warbler

tree swallow


yellow warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

prothonotary warbler

palm warbler

prothonotary warbler

blackburnian warbler

warbling vireo

eastern phoebe


yellow warbler

Baltimore oriole

northern parula

prothonotary warbler

American robin

tree swallow

blue-headed vireo

prothonotary warbler

osprey feeding chick

yellow warbler on nest

prothonotary warbler and chick

prothonotary warbler chick

golden-winged warbler

prothonotary warbler

red-eyed vireo

prothonotary warbler

eastern bluebird

prothonotary warbler

tree swallow in rain

prothonotary warbler

yellow arbler

Cape May warbler

eastern bluebird

prothonotary warbler

Cape May warbler

prothonotary warbler nest

northern parula

tree swallows

bay-breasted warbler

Nashville warbler

prothonotary warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

black-throated green warbler

tree swallow

eastern bluebird

prothonotary warbler

osprey on nest

prothonotary warbler

eastern bluebird

palm warbler

prothonotary warbler

bay-breasted warbler


Baltimore oriole

ruby-crowned kinglet

eastern bluebird

prothonotary warbler

palm warbler

magnolia warbler


prothonotary warbler

eastern bluebird

prothonotary warbler

magnolia warbler

prothonotary warbler

palm warbler

prothonotary warbler

northern parula

prothonotary warbler

eastern bluebird

prothonotary warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

red-eyed vireo

northern parula

magnolia warbler

prothonotary warbler

palm warbler

prothonotary warbler

prothonotary warbler

prothonotary awrbler

golden-winged warbler

prothonotary warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

prothonotary warbler

prothonotary warbler

prothonotary warbler

prothonotary warbler

Nashville warbler

yellow warbler on nest

Go to Page:  1 | 2 | 3

Or go to my Kirtland’s Warbler page

Click here for Many more Warbler Photos!

©2011 William H. Majoros.

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
You may re-use these photos as long as you cite W.H. Majoros and
link the photos or their captions back to ThirdBirdFromTheSun.com

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